

Christophe Lavaysse, Philippe Roudier , Vijay Venkatachalam , Jurriaan Van’t Klooster and Marco Clerici. 'On the use of the eStation developed in the GMES & Africa EU project: Results from the user survey' - Atmosphere 2021, 12(2), 258;


Clerici, M. B. Combal, J.F. Pekel, G. Dubois, J. van't Klooster, J.O. Skøien, E. Bartholomé (2013). The eStation, an Earth Observation processing service in support to ecological monitoring. Ecological Informatics, (18):162-170.


Dubois, G., M. Clerici, J.F. Pekel, A. Brink, I. Palumbo, D. Gross, S. Peedell, D. Simonetti, M. Punga (2011). On the contribution of remote sensing to DOPA, a Digital Observatory for Protected Areas. In: "Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment", April 10-15, 2011, Sydney, Australia [Download pdf]



For older (<2010) publications, please check also JRC's publications repository.



   Palumbo I., Gregoire, J.-M., Punga, M. (2011). One year of fire observations from space: lessons learned about fire behavior and vegetation. In: The 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, Sun City, South Africa. 9–13 May 2011. 




   Dubois, G., M. Clerici, J.F. Pekel, A. Brink, I. Palumbo, D. Gross, S. Peedell, D. Simonetti, M. Punga (2011). On the contribution of remote sensing to DOPA, a Digital Observatory for Protected Areas. In: "Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment", April 10-15, 2011, Sydney, Australia  [Download pdf]


   Liousse C, Guillaume B, Grégoire J-M., Mallet M, Galy-Lacaux1 C, Pont V, Akpo A, Bedou M, Castera P, Dungall L, Gardrat E, Granier C, Konare A, Malavelle F, Mariscal A, Mieville A, Rosset R, Serça D, Solmon F, Tummon F, Assamoi P, Yoboué V, Van Velthoven P. (2010) Updated African Biomass Burning Emission Inventories in the Framework of the AMMA-IDAF Program, with an Evaluation of Combustion Aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10:9631-9646. 



   Palumbo I, Grégoire J-M., Simonetti D, Punga M. (2010) Characterization of Fire Seasonality and Intensity in Protected Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa Using MODIS Data. In " Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research". Coimbra (Portugal): Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI), University of Coimbra; Conference Proceedings: D. X. Viegas, (editor). p. 106. 



   Lehsten, V., P. Harmand, I. Palumbo, and A. Arneth (2010). Modelling burned area in Africa. Biogeosciences, 7, 3199–3214. 




J. Van 't Klooster, M. Clerici,  V. Venkatachalam, A. Royer (2018). At FOSS5G 2018 conference presenting "The eStation2, an Automated Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Processing System", August 29-31, 2018, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania [Download ppt]


Dubois, G., M. Clerici, J.F. Pekel, A. Brink, I. Palumbo, D. Gross, S. Peedell, D. Simonetti, M. Punga (2011). On the contribution of remote sensing to DOPA, a Digital Observatory for Protected Areas. In: "Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment", April 10-15, 2011, Sydney, Australia [Download pdf]